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Inspiring beautyful people from the inside out

Lifestyle Coaching

We often have unhealthy habits, a poor lifestyle and make bad decisions due to a lack of time, poor self discipline, a lack of motivation, health problems, addiction and emotional challenges. Find out how you can improve your lifestyle, turn bad habits into good habits and make better lifestyle decisions. Don't wait for Monday or after the holidays. Start today. There is no better time than now!

Colour Consulting

How confident are you that you are choosing the best colours of clothing for your skin type? How sure are you about the colours your hair dresser suggests? Do you know if the colour of makeup that you love so much is the right colour for you? Find out which colours are your best hair, makeup and clothing colours that will compliment your skin tone to bring out your radiance and natural glow.


Yes, we all want to capture those special moments! And we should. Even in this selfie-era we find ourselves in there is still, and will always be, the desire for professional photographs. Are you one of those people who wishes there was someone to photograph you and your loved ones on the beach without running away with your camera? The feeling is mutual...

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