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Being passionate about people and working with people, Charmaine found her niche for the women's industry when she started working in the Health & Wellness industry around the end of 2012.


Charmaine's professional career has been one of a creative nature at first when she qualified in Interior Design and Decorating through the Dorothy Van't Riet Design Academy in Johannesburg in 2005. She identified the need to capture her work professionally, which inspired her to pursue the avenue of Photography in early 2007. In addition, Charmaine expanded her services to decorating for weddings, after which her skills in organizing advanced from decorating into Wedding Planning and Coordinating. She was recruited as a full time wedding coordinator and developed a deeper passion for photography throughout, which equipped her for a full time career at Kodak in 2011. Living in Cape Town at the time and being surrounded by beautiful scenery, her love for photography was expressed continuously.


Since Charmaine always had a deep down passion for motivating, developing, supporting and inspiring people, she grabbed onto an opportunity in the Health and Wellness industry. She started working at Curves, an international institution who empowers women all around the world. This major change, which took place around the end of 2012, ignited her passion for Lifestyle Coaching and assisting women to become a better version of themselves. Her interest in Nutrition intensified, which motivated her to further her studies in this field.  


As a business woman, Charmaine started to develop her skills in Small Business Management in 2005 already, advancing in an entrepreneurial direction in 2015. Her experience in working for two international companies helped her to grow and understand the prospects and operations of international business. Her business experience increased when she accepted a job in the corporate sector in Marketing and Sales in early 2014. Her expertise has grown into Client Engagement and Communication and she fell in love with public speaking and teaching.


Working in the corporate sector, Charmaine was reminded of the need for motivating, developing, supporting and inspiring people once again. However, she felt that this is something that has to be addressed both from the inside and outside. Not only do people want to LOOK great, they want to FEEL great too. These two elements work in synergy and one cannot effectively be addressed without the other. Doing research on this topic, Charmaine found that there was no one who addressed both these issues simultaneously in South Africa as of yet. This encouraged her to think outside of the box and dream bigger.


Thinking about the synergies of the "inside" as well as the "outside", the "look good" and "feel good", Charmaine decided to expand her knowledge base yet again, which brought her to the Image Consulting industry.  She started with her training at the Chata Romano Training Academy in early 2016 to enable her to take her skills to the next level.  Charmaine is now addressing issues from a bigger perspective with a holistic approach.  


Charmaine consults on a full time basis from Monument Park in Pretoria. She is finalising her additional studies Image Consulting throught the international Chata Romano Training Academy and Nutrition through Wageningen University. She will advance her international qualifications through the Chata Romano Training Academy in 2017 by specialising in makeovers and makeup. 


Charmaine is currently a qualified Chata Romano Colour Consultant, Her qualification in Image Consulting is still in progress and will be completed by the end of 2016.


Owner & Founder

Statue of Beauty Pty Ltd


Interior Design & Decorating

at Dorothy Van't Riet Desigh Academy


Small Business Management 

at Dorothy Van't Riet Desigh Academy


Professional Photography

Intec College


Lifestyle Coaching

Cleveland Clinic Institute for Education





Ethics of Eating

Cornell University


Nutrition & Health (In Progress)

Wageningen University


Colour Contulsting (Qualified)

Image Consulting (In Progress)

Chata Romano Training Academy

Charmaine Claassen

Statue Of Beauty Pty Ltd  |  Reg No. 2016/033636/07  |  All Rights Reserved © 

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